Retour vers Vocable Anglais - 05 avril 2018

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n°776 —

Grand angle

1. ~Explosion of colours~ Inhabitants from Menar, a village in Udaipur, western India, take part in several celebrations at the ...

On parle d'eux

1. ~Stephen Hawking~ Last month, world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking passed away, at the age of 76. The British physicist made ...

How Parkland Students Changed the Gun Debate

1. Eighteen-year-old Sabrina Fernandez is the student-body president of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida. She lives next ...

7 Times in History When Students Turned to Activism

1. Every few weeks or months, after a man armed with a high-powered weapon walks into a school or a ...

How Brexit looms over the Irish border

1. Mervyn Johnston sips his tea while sizing up the pristine-looking 1967 Mini Cooper that has come in for repairs ...

Why more British students are choosing foreign universities

1. After a talk on attending university in America, Mazen, a pupil in his penultimate year at King Solomon Academy, ...

New anti-Brexit party aims to overturn EU referendum vote

1. A new political party inspired by the success of French President Emmanuel Macron has embarked on a national campaign ...

A 360°

1. ~Juicing up sales~ Coca-Cola is planning to test an alcoholic bubbly drink in Japan. The company has never ventured ...

Martin Luther King Jr. Changed a Nation in Only 13 Years

1. Martin Luther King Jr. was just 26 when he came to prominence, by leading a bus boycott in Montgomery, ...

Red Sparrow's Charlotte Rampling interview

1. Charlotte Rampling is standing by the window of a conference suite high up in a hotel in Rotterdam, looking ...


1. ~Fresh literary prize~ The Man Booker International Prize, awarded for translated fiction and hosted in the United Kingdom, has ...

In doomed Alaska town, hunters turn to drones and caribou

1. At the edge of an imperiled Alaska town, Dennis Davis sent a drone over a patchwork of ice covering ...

It's a dog's world in the lab. Where are the cats?

1. Recently someone (my boss, actually) mentioned to me that I wrote more articles about dogs than I did about ...

Le dessin

1. highly; emotional; to show; grief. 2. ~Trophy imports~ Ryan Zinke, American Secretary of the Interior, has announced that elephant, ...